Sunday, July 24, 2011

Welcome Nicole Leiann


Thinking of you today as I posted to the family blog about Nicole's birth, how I know you would love her. You so love babies! She is beautiful, she was born on July 17th, to Aunt T and Uncle Mike. Her poor little head was bruised and scrapped up due to the suction the doctors had to use to get her out but it is healing fast. They have found that she has another small problem, her vaginal area has closed with some tissue and now they must go to a urologist to see if medication or a small surgical procedure must be done. We are all praying for a good outcome. I wish you could see and hold her, maybe one day! For now I will post a picture here and will post others as she grows so that you will see them one day. I hope all is good with you, I love you and pray for you often! Miss you lots!!



Friday, July 8, 2011

Remembering DC

Dear Elizabeth,

Thinking of you today as I remembered what we were doing three years ago. Thinking of the trip to Washington DC and the parade, watching you and Ben with the band, coming down Constitution Avenue between the White House and the Washington Monument. I was so proud of both of you and all the kids that day. I know even then we were having problems but I still loved you so much and was beaming from ear to ear. My favorite picture is the one Adam took of you as you passed the Washington Monument. I was even more proud of you when the news cast used that one in their broadcast!

As we were playing games on the 4th, you were on my mind and I wish you could have been with us to enjoy the laughter. J, Brittany and Ben were here and we were having such a great time, there was just one big hole, YOU!

I hope you are happy right now and safe. I hope that when you read this you will know that I do love you and I miss you. I wish we did not have to go through this time but I know that in the long run it will help. I hope and pray it will strengthen our bond as Mother and Daughter. I love you!! God Bless and Keep you Always!!

